1:1 Mentoring/Coaching Packages

Level 1:

Getting To The Heart Of My Why

Do you know the source of your “Why?” The Why that fuels what you do in the unique way that you do it?

Your Why is the underpinning of your business. It sources your mission, your vision, and your purpose.

The challenge with finding our why is that most people don’t even know what sourced their business at a deeper level. They don’t know the full story.
And not knowing this means they are not connecting/resonating as powerfully as they could with protentional and existing clients.

Getting to your Why a transformative process for accessing your deeper story…

Through Michale’s intuitive mentoring & coaching, you will understand how every aspect of your life has contributed to your journey, to the medicine bag of wisdom you carry, and is the genesis for your business.
It’s what gives you the credibility, the right, to do the work you’ve been called to do in the world.

As a result of this process, you will be ready to say “Yes” to effectively and impactfully sharing your story with others…

The Getting to the Heart of My Why program includes:

• Intuitive and thought-provoking metoring/coaching sessions with Michale to uncover your “Why”
During your eight 90-minute mentoring/coaching sessions, you will unearth the reasons, values, intentions that source the work you bring to the world.
At the end of every session, you will experience your evolving story retold to you by Michale. You will hear the potential and potency of your own message, perhaps for the very first time.
You will come to understand the wisdom embedded in your life story and its potential impact…

Your deeper why will become clear to you.

As you work on unearthing the defining moments of your “why” journey and begin to shape it into story form using the Story by Design format, you will begin to own it and share it more powerfully than you ever imagined.
And in the process, you will be provided with techniques and approaches for telling your story from Michale Gabriel, a seasoned pro with forty years of experience bringing stories to life around the world.
• Story Unveiling
This is one of the most life-changing features of the Getting to the Heart of My Why program.

Michale leverages her network of industry leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs and experts, to allow you to test your story in real time with a live audience via Zoom.

This compassionate and empathetic audience (many of them former Story by Design clients) will provide constructive and insightful feedback on how your story is resonating in them.
Story is a synergetic exchange between listener and teller and this feedback will be invaluable in shaping your story for future speaking opportunities.


● Eight 90-minute recorded mentoring & coaching sessions with Michale via Zoom
● Text and audio support between sessions
● Journal prompts
● Invaluable feedback on your most recent podcast or other social media guest appearances.
● Delivering your story via Zoom to an audience of industry leaders, entrepreneurs and experts as part of the story shaping process

In their own words…. What clients are saying:

I don’t even know where to begin when talking about Michale and what she brings to the table as a storyteller, coach and woman of wisdom.

I initially was trying to identify and develop leadership stories I could tell to the 300-person organization I managed. We started by working on my “Why.” That process brought me to a life changing crossroad. I was struggling because my story wasn’t resonating, not even for me. My heart wasn’t in it. My corporate career, which had served me well for many years, was no longer serving me. Michale helped me see that through her story-mining process. Through her insightful questions, deep listening and retelling of my story back to me, I accessed my calling. My core “why.” She helped me identify the business I was to bring forth. It was always there, but was buried under stories, false narratives, and insecurities. As a result of her support, guidance and coaching, I created the business I was always meant to create. And my new business is flourishing. I’m eternally grateful for all her support, wisdom, compassion and care for both me and my story.

Cathy Kading
Pomona Wellness

Working with Michale has been an incredible experience.
She has the gift of guiding you on your journey to bring forth your authentic wisdom in story form.
As a result of my work with her, I now fully understand the pathway my soul has taken. I feel empowered each time I speak my story because I am connected to my voice, my truth, my soul and heart.
Michale is both extremely professional and deeply compassionate, and has a beautiful style which allows you to safely dive deep within yourself and access your truth.
I cannot thank her or recommend her enough. She is a true talent and has given me a precious gift through this work; the gift of empowerment.

Karen Whelen
The Soulution Therapist
Waterford, Ireland

MBA, L.Ac, author, specialist in acupuncture, acupoint therapy, CEO of Merina Wellness

Merina Ty-Kisera

Level 2 Program: Cairn of Stories: Identifying, Developing and Communicating Your Wisdom for Impact.

A 6-month program for Leaders and Influencers

Cairn: a human-made pile of stones (or stack) of stones raised for a purpose.
A curated collection of wisdom.

Once you have told your signature story, the heart of your “why,” you are ready for the next step.

Whether teaching a class, facilitating a workshop, or working one on one with clients, you will need to have a story bag of wisdom…a cairn of curated stories that will help you to continue to engage, motivate and inspire your audiences.

In this 18-session package, delivered over 6 months, we will identify your specific target, and identify within your own life experience, and from other sources be it your clients, books, podcasts, etc., the exact stories you need to help you get your message across.

You will develop no less than 10 stories that reflect your values, your vision, your leadership and you will polish each one so they are ready for you to use at any time.

You will learn how to gather stories from others and incorporate them into your presentations.
You will begin to develop a “story sense” and not leave a conversation, or exchange, or a meeting without capturing the detail you will need to retell a story.
And you will know how to construct and deliver each unique story for maximum impact.

Your Cairn of Stories Collection will include stories that illustrate

● Your deeply held values and how they came to be
● Your vision for the future
● The specific needs and concerns of your clients/audiences

Your Cairn of Stories can be easily woven into any venue: Client presentations, master classes, webinars, podcasts, workshops, etc.

About Michale Gabriel

Michale Gabriel is a Parent’s Choice award-winning performer, international best-selling author, and founder/CEO of Story by Design. She is a story shaper, inspirational keynote speaker, leadership consultant, storytelling coach and workshop facilitator.

Michale has been engaged professionally in the art of storytelling for over 40 years in the fields of education, health care, international diplomacy, and multinational business.

Her corporate clients include The Boeing Company in the US and India, Infoblox and Western Union, multi-faceted entrepreneurs, as well as individual clients seeking to inspire others by telling their stories.

Over 10,000 corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and community activists have experienced her 1:1 coaching and Story by Design workshops over the past twenty-six years.

Michale founded the Young Storytellers for Peace US/USSR Program, which was the subject of an award-winning, nationally aired PBS documentary “Young Storytellers in Russia; Teachers for Peace USSR Program; starred in a Russian produced television storytelling series that promoted intercultural understanding to 50 million viewers during the Cold War, earning her the title of “Russia’s American Fairy Godmother.” She founded the Storytelling Residency Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital, and the “Tell Me A Story” program for rural Alaska.

Michale was voted the Inside Edge Foundation for Education’s “Most Inspirational Speaker of 2021.

She serves on the non-profit board of the Amigos of Costa Rica where she is fundraising chair; loves travel, interior design, reading, spending time in nature, exploring cultures & cuisines, pondering spiritual truths, and exploring (and experiencing) what it means to live a passionate, heart-centered life.